Mixed media Illustrations by Johan Thörnqvist

My name is Johan Thörnqvist and I am a Illustrator and animator. I work in print, video and web. I also dream of making comics and games.

Johan Thörnqvist is an intriguing artist who recently caught our eye. He’s based in Helsingborg (in Sweden, near Malmö).
His charming work incorporates whimsical drawings over photographs – imaginative scenes that really appeal to our playful and dreamy sides. His work has been featured in several exhibitions, advertising campaigns and magazines.

The thing that attracts us is the dreaminess and DIY-nature of his work: for example the photos are taken on his phone, and whole worlds spring up on the side of an innocuous post-it note. We had a quick catch up with Johan to delve a little deeper into what makes his world go round… (via Poko)















Johan Thörnqvist on Snarlik

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